Community Day - Saturday, 9th March 2024
To Signup Click here
8:30-9:15 - HSBC Presentation - Staff only
9:30-9:45 - Welcome and Principal's address
9:45-10:15 - Keynote 1: Moving from Learning to use AI to using AI for Learning. (Director of Learning: Stephanie Holt)
10:15-10:30 - Break with refreshments
10:30-11:30 - Keynote 2: Future Forward: Shaping Tomorrow with Google's Marketing Innovations - Neha Barjatya (Marketing Director Google)
11:30-12.00 - Panel Discussion: AI Unveiled: Navigating the Triumphs and Trials in the Era of Intelligence (moderated by Alexander Harris: Neha Barjatya (Google), Amaresh Godbole (Publicis), Madhuli Mittal (Times of India),Bivash)
11:30-12:30 - Workshops: Embracing the Future? (Richard)?
Design Fiction - Retooling AI for your specific needs (Alexander)
Using AI for learning in Grade 2 (John and Doreen)
Using AI in the classroom (Humanities Department)
12:30-12:45 - Plenary Session
12:45-1:15 - Student showcase(s): Hanna discussing how she uses AI to learn in the IB, Grade 2 (with John and Doreen) showing their books produced by AI and what they have learned
1:15-2:00 - Lunch
2:00-2:30 - Keynote 3: Design Thinking and AI - Alexander Harris
2:30-3:30 - Workshops : Metacognition and AI (Stephanie)
AI - friend or foe? (Camille)
(Howard) Let’s play with AI - for the complete novice
3:30-3:45 - Break and Refreshments
3:45-4:15 - Keynote 4: Digital Horizons: Leading Transformation in the Tech Era- Amaresh Godbole (Chief Executive Officer, Digital Technology Business, Publicis Groupe)
4:15-4:30 - Plenary and close