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Panel 1: Crafting a 21st Century Curriculum - Perspectives with Bivash Chakraborty, Richard Hester, and Rachel Burchett

DSB India conducted a panel discussion at the DSB Symposium 2023 titled "Beyond Textbooks: Crafting a 21st Century Curriculum for Lifelong Learners." which was led by Bivash Chakraborty, with panellists Richard Hester and Rachel Burchett. This session explored the evolution of education from traditional textbook learning to dynamic, tailored curriculums fit for modern learners.

Panelists' Profiles

Bivash Chakraborty: A visionary in educational innovation, Bivash brings a wealth of experience in developing curriculums that cater to the demands of the 21st century, focusing on creating lifelong learners.

Richard Hester: With extensive experience in international education, Richard offers insights into the integration of contemporary teaching methods and the importance of professional development in evolving educational landscapes.

Rachel Burchett: With a diverse background in teaching across primary and secondary levels, Rachel’s experience in English and Drama education, coupled with her unique journey from the media industry to education, brings a fresh perspective to the panel.

Discussion Highlights

Redefining Curriculum Design: The panel delved into the need for curriculums that go beyond traditional textbooks and incorporate experiential learning, technology, and creative approaches.

Educating Lifelong Learners: A focus on developing skills and competencies that prepare students not just for academic success but for lifelong learning and adaptability.

Real-World Experiences: Rachel Burchett shared her insights on integrating real-world experiences and cross-disciplinary learning into the curriculum, especially in the fields of English and Drama.

Why Watch?

For Educators and Curriculum Designers: Gain insights into innovative curriculum design strategies that cater to the needs of 21st-century learners.

For Students and Parents: Understand the shift in educational approaches and how they impact student learning and future readiness.

For Educational Leaders: Explore the possibilities and challenges in implementing contemporary curriculums in schools.

Engage with Our Community

We invite viewers to share their thoughts, experiences, and questions about modern curriculum design and lifelong learning. Your participation adds valuable perspectives to this important conversation.

Discover More:

This panel discussion is part of the 'The Symposium' playlist, featuring a series of educational talks and discussions from the DSB Symposium 2023. Subscribe to our channel for more insights into the future of education.

Note: Continue to follow our channel for more enlightening panel discussions and keynotes that challenge and reshape the traditional paradigms of education.

Watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJujdctd1dg





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