TEDdyX at DSB Symposium 2023: DP1 Student Research Showcases
Welcome to a captivating segment of the DSB Symposium 2023 - the TEDdyX event, where our talented Grade 11 / DP1 students took the stage. This video features a series of engaging, concise presentations, each lasting 2-4 minutes, showcasing the impressive research projects undertaken by our students.
Event Overview
Student-Led Presentations: 18 dynamic students presented their in-depth research spanning various academic fields. Each student utilized a 5-slide format (excluding the cover slide) to communicate their findings and insights effectively.
Research Highlights: These presentations were the culmination of extensive 2000-word research projects, and demonstrated the students' analytical and creative capabilities.
Spontaneous and Authentic: Remarkably, these young scholars presented without reading from their papers or relying on notes, ensuring a genuine and spontaneous delivery of their ideas.
Group Interactions: Following individual presentations, students engaged in 5-10 minute group presentations, collaboratively discussing the themes and ideas introduced.
Q&A Sessions: Each presentation batch is followed by an interactive Q&A session, allowing for deeper exploration and engagement with the audience.
Why Watch?
Inspiring Young Minds: Witness the intellectual prowess and presentation skills of our future leaders and innovators.
Diverse Topics: Delve into a range of subjects, reflecting the diverse interests and academic pursuits of our students.
Educational Insight: Gain valuable insights from fresh perspectives and original research conducted by budding scholars.
Audience Engagement
We encourage viewers to engage with these presentations through comments and discussions. Your feedback and questions are a valuable part of the learning process for our students.
Stay Tuned
This video is a part of our TEDdyX series from the DSB Symposium 2023. Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring student presentations and educational content.
Note: This video is a part of the larger 'The Symposium' playlist, documenting the incredible journey of learning and innovation at DSB International. Be sure to explore the entire playlist for more enriching content!